Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lesson in excercise

Today's lesson was about my fitness level.  I learned that I am not in as good of shape as I had hoped.  On the positive side though - I picked the perfect workout!  I thought it would be too easy for me but it was perfect.  30 minutes of my heart rate at the perfect level. 

My next dream purchase will be a heart monitor to wear so when I am jogging I can always stay at the level I need to be. 

Tonight I really made my son mad too!  I actually followed through when I gave him a choice of listening and getting story time or just going straight to bed.  He chose bed by not listening!  Boy did that make him mad.  But I did it! 

I learned that I can stand up to my two year old and he will still tell me he loves me in between his gasps for air and tears. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

It has been a year almost to the day since my last post. So many "lessons" have been learned and I wish I had taken some more time to share them.

I am working on my attitude toward improving my emotional balance. That is the goal this year. If you are interested in my ramblings, you are welcome to come along for the ride.

One day I want to do something like Julie and Julia movie - but I am not that creative so I will just ramble as my brain allows. It is odd that I have become one of the masses that feels the need to shout out in this bottomless pitt of social media.

I am not sure what that says about my emotional balance, but whatever. It is what it is.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Math Lesson

2 Children in Daycare + Winter = Illness, much illness

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It is done.

So this is funny how the last post I made was about the Christmas spirit and this one is about it being DONE!

It is January 2009 and I am so excited to start fresh with the new year. I won't bore you with all the things I have promised myself for the upcoming year since putting that in writing would only embarass me more when I don't end up accomplishing much or any of it.

Christmas was great and New Years was pretty fun (Thanks Mom on both counts). But now we are headed into the first 5 day work week in three weeks. I say three because the week before Christmas I lost two days due to this blasted snow. And no, I don't have chains yet. Why you ask? Well because I was counting on something that I shouldn't have. On a positive note, they say the snow should be melted in the morning. Oh yea, it is snowing again!

My sister bought me a book called The Shack by William P. Young. It is interesting and I am enjoying it. It is making me think for sure, which I think was her purpose. She is a good sister.

Since I have lost my camera cord and am a failure in getting the pictures from family, I have nothing to share from my Christmas with my kids and family. I am sorry. Maybe in 2009? Yea right you are thinking.

A good friend told me a quote she heard. I do not know who to credit for this but here it goes:

Everything is not OK, but I am OK with

Happy New Year!